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Regional Issues in MC Education for EDD, EDS, and MAT students.

Regional Issues in MC Education for EDD, EDS, and MAT students.

From: Grigory Dmitriyev
To: doctoral students:
I will teach EDUF 8233 Regional Issues in Multicultural Education (CRN 18051) next 2015 Spring Semester. You can take it as a core or an elective course. It is a field-based course which means that you will work on a proposal for solving a multicultural issue/problem at you working place (school, college. institution) or local region. The proposal usually turns later into a Pre-prospectus for the dissertation because you will follow the structure and rubrics for the dissertation. It is a good training for the dissertation process. Due to the diverse nature of topics, you will not have mandatory book(s). Instead you can buy or search for sources in the libraries, internet, local reports, newspapers, magazines and use your/others personal experience/narrative. Thus, the course will be valuable and at the same time less expensive for you….:)….To make this course happen, you need to register a.s.a.p.

To: SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Ed.S. and MASTER STUDENTS who visit this website. If you plan to apply later to our Ed.D. in Curriculum Studies doctoral program and take this course in 2015 Spring Semester, then you won’t need to take this course when you are in the doctoral program because you will be given credit for it. This means that you will save money in the doctoral program, and you will need less time to graduate from the program.


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