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EDLD-Dissertation Program Policies

Program Policies for Dissertation

In addition to policies outlined by the College of Graduate Studies and the College of Education, the EDLD Program has the following additional polices for Stage III (Dissertation):

  • Dissertation Chairs. Graduate faculty who are on tenured or tenure-track appointments (i.e. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors) may serve on Dissertation Committees in the roles of Chair, Content Specialist, and/or Methodologist. Graduate faculty who hold a terminal degree and not on a tenure track (i.e. Instructors, Lecturers, Clinical Specialists, etc.) may serve on Dissertation Committees in the roles of Content Specialist and/or Methodologist.
  • Dissertation Committee Composition. At least 50% of the members of the dissertation committee must be current faculty members within the College of Education. Additionally, there must be at least one EDLD graduate faculty member on the committee.
  • Required length of time to submit manuscript prior to Defenses. For Pre-Prospectus and Prospectus Defenses, the student must email the finalized dissertation manuscript to their committee at least two weeks prior to their scheduled defense date. For the Final Defense, the finalized dissertation manuscript must be emailed to their committee at least three weeks prior to their scheduled defense.
  • Enrollment Hours. EDLD Ed.D. students must maintain 3 credit hours of continual enrollment each semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer). In Tier III of the Program (Dissertation), students will need to be continuously enrolled in 3 credit hours of EDLD 9999, with the exception of their final semester in which they are graduating. In that final semester, if a student has previously enrolled in at least 9 credit hours of EDLD 9999 (which are the minimum hours required for the degree), they will be permitted to register for 1 credit hour in that semester. Should a student for any reason need to register for another semester beyond that, they will be required to register for 3 credit hours of EDLD 9999 every semester until they graduate.

Last updated: 8/26/2022